Community Engaged Learning in a digital learning environment 23 Feb
23 February 2021, 12:00 pm–1:00 pm

These sessions explore how Community Engaged Learning can enable active and collaborative student learning in a digital learning environment.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
UCL Arena Centre02031088937
This event will take place online.Details and registration will be sent to you.******United Kingdom
Tuesday 23 February 12:00 - 13:00
These sessions explore how you can transition your teaching projects with external partners online (Community Engaged Learning) to enable active and collaborative student learning in a digital learning environment.
UCL Arena Centre are delivering this session, which is open to all staff at UCL who teach students.
This one-hour introductory session will
- Demonstrate general examples of how Community Engaged Learning might look in a digital learning environment
- Offer tips, advice and ideas on how to do effective and engaging Community Engaged Learning in a digital learning environment
- Create space for reflection and discussion on how to do Community Engaged Learning in a digital learning environment
- Signpost you to resources, opportunities and further support
After attending this session you will
- Be able to reflect on how your programme or module could look like by embedding Community Engaged Learning projects and activities into your online teaching
- Be able to use the resources offered
- Be able to book an 1:1 Consultation Session with Marie Xypaki to discuss in more detail about transitioning your CEL project(s) online and about the suitable engaging tools for your subject and classroom size.
Who should attend
You should attend if you are a member of UCL staff who teaches and engages external partners in their teaching.