
Teaching & Learning


Studio Learning 23 July

23 July 2020, 10:00 am–11:00 am


Find out how you can create a virtual studio environment, in this workshop led by UCL Arena Centre.

Event Information

Open to





UCL Arena Centre


This event will take place online.
Details and registration will be sent to you.
United Kingdom

Thursday 23 July 10:00 - 11:00 

UCL Arena Centre are delivering this session, which is open to all staff at UCL who teach students.

UCL Connected Learning Live Events

This is part of a series of short live sessions to complement the UCL Connected Learning Essentials Staff Development Course. 

View all events in series. 

This short panel discussion will introduce a range of ways in which studio learning can take place in an online setting.

We will discuss platforms (including Teams, Blackboard Collaborate, and Zoom) as well as pedagogic challenges and benefits (including fostering a community and improving accessible feedback).

The discussion will be facilitated by Dr Brent Carnell, with panellists from

The Bartlett School of Architecture:

  • Elizabeth Dow
  • Kevin Green
  • Dr Tasos Varoudis
  • Tom Kendall

and The Slade School of Fine Art:

  • Professor Karin Ruggaber
  • Lesley Sharpe)

Booking events remotely

You will need to use either Desktop@UCL or a secure VPN (Virtual Private Network) to book an event on MyLearning. 

Please visit ISD guidance pages for information on this. Please note it is recommended that you use Internet Explorer as your web browser whilst using MyLearning. 

Who should attend

You should attend if you are a member of UCL staff who teaches.