Managing classroom dynamics 27 March
27 March 2019, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm
You will learn how to create positive and inclusive classroom dynamics and reduce disruption in this workshop delivered by the UCL Arena Centre.
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff
- Yes
UCL Arena Centre
Arena Room, 10th Floor1-19 Torrington PlaceLondonWC1E 7HBUnited Kingdom
Wednesday 27 March 13:00 - 14:00
UCL Arena Centre are delivering this session, which is open to all staff at UCL who teach students.
Sessions with students can sometimes be tricky. They can late, rude, disruptive, disengaged and sometimes threatening.
During this session, you will explore ways that you can ensure a positive and supportive learning environment for all students.
This workshop will:
- explore the nature of disruption
- discuss methods to create an inclusive learning environment and;
- offer a range of strategies to support you as a teacher in the classroom
After attending this session you will
- be able to identify the factors that contribute to positive classroom dynamics
- understand how you can impact on the classroom dynamics
- know how to create a more inclusive learning environment
- have a variety of methods to use in the classroom
Who should attend
You should attend if you are a member of UCL staff who teaches.
Postgraduate Teaching Assistants and all early career educators will find this session particularly useful.
About the Speaker
Dr d'Reen Struthers
Senior Teaching Fellow at UCL
This session is delivered by UCL Arena Centre's Dr d'Reen Struthers (SFHEA).
d’Reen is a seconded Fellow for UCL Arena as well as a Lecturer in Primary education within Department for Learning and Leadership within the UCL Institute of Education. She teaches across Teaching Associate Programme (TAP), UCL Arena and also sits on HEA accreditation panels.