
Teaching & Learning


Is it time for the university lecture to evolve? Join live panel discussion 9 April

09 April 2019, 2:00 pm–3:00 pm

UCL Arena event image. Someone talking in a workshop

Join a panel of academics from across UCL, who will be discussing whether higher education institutions should explore new ways of engaging students in their studies.

Event Information

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UCL Arena Centre


Please see details to sign-up to online webinar
United Kingdom

Tuesday 09 April 14:00 - 15:00 

UCL Digital Education are inviting educators across UCL to join this live webinar. 

Education Technology and University Business are will host this panel discussion in partnership with Echo360 and Dr Perry Samson, Head of Teaching Innovation from the University of Michigan. 

    This live webinar will discuss: 

    • the challenges and opportunities of exploring new ways of teaching in HE
    • whether students’ understanding of topics should be assessed as they learn
    • breaking down the fear some students have of asking the ‘stupid’ questions, and; 
    • using technology to better engage students in what they are learning, no matter the size of the class.

    The panel will consit of: 

    • Prof Andrea Townsend-Nicholson, Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
    • Prof John Mitchell, Professor of Communications Systems Engineering 
    • Dr Parama Chaudhury, Principal Teaching Fellow, Economics and founding director at Centre for Teaching and Learning Economics 

    Who should attend 

    You should attend if you are a member of UCL staff who is interseted in exploring innovative ways to engage your students.