
Teaching & Learning


Designing assessment and feedback for a module 11 April

11 April 2019, 12:00 pm–1:00 pm

Get thinking about linking your assessment to real-world practice in order to make their assignments practical and relevant to your students in this session by Dr Sarah Rowe.

Event Information

Open to





UCL Arena Centre


Arena Room, 10th Floor
1-19 Torrington Place, London
United Kingdom

Thursday 11 April 12:00 - 13:00 

You should attend this session offered by Dr Sarah Rowe if you are a module lead or anyone involved in designing assessment and feedback for a module at UCL.
In this workshop, you will hear a brief introduction to real-world assignments and it’s role in student learning and engagement.

This workshop will:

  • provide examples of real-world assessments used on an MSc at UCL
  • share how to mark and provide feedback on real-world assessments
  • explain the benefits and challenges of real-world assessments in practice
  • will discuss how to apply this to your own module in a practical task

After attending this session you will 

  • understand innovative forms of real-world assessment being used
  • understand the practical challenges that might arise through implementing real-world assessment
  • know where to find examples of marking criteria for real-world assessments
  • know how to apply real-world assessment and feedback to your module and discuss how to overcome potential challenges

Who should attend (H2)

You should attend if you are a member of UCL staff who teaches.  

Postgraduate Teaching Assistants and all early career educators will find this session particularly useful.