An introduction to teaching for Postdoctoral Researchers 1 Oct
01 October 2018, 2:00 pm–4:00 pm

You will be introduced to effective teaching and consider how you would like to use these approaches in your teaching, in this workshop led by the UCL Arena Centre.
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff
- Yes
UCL Arena Centre
Arena Room, 10th Floor1-19 Torrington PlaceLondonWC1E 7HBUnited Kingdom
Monday 01 October 14:00 - 16:00
UCL Arena Centre are delivering this session, which is open to all postdoctoral staff who want to develop their teaching.
You will try out different ways of making teaching effective and consider if/how you would like to use these approaches in your teaching and you will sketch a mini-design for learning in your discipline.
In this session, you will receive guidance on applying for a Higher Education Academy Fellowship and the benefits of this nationally recognised teaching qualification.
This workshop will cover:
- what is effective teaching
- methods for planning and designing sessions
- methods and approaches promoting active learning and;
- evaluation and planning next steps
After attending this session you will
- develop confidence in teaching
- be able to plan, design and deliver lectures and other teaching
- how to encourage students to be active participants in their learning
- understand how to evaluate your own effectiveness as an educator
Who should attend
You should attend if you are a postdoctoral researcher at UCL, who wants to develop your teaching.
You may also find the session on 'Micro teaching for Postdoctoral Researchers' beneficial. Search for it in our events calendar to view the latest available dates.