A one-day conference for UCL staff on supporting BME student success was held on Tuesday 10 April 2018.
Read about what happened at the conference: BME Attainment gap 'unacceptable', says Provost
Download presentations given at the conference
Dr Julie Evans (UCL Brain Sciences), Paulette Williams and Rebecca Allen (Vice Provost Education and Student Affairs): Closing the undergraduate BME attainment gap at UCL
Dr Jason Arday, University of Roehampton: The Persistence of Racism in Higher Education: Understanding the BME Attainment Gap (keynote talk)
Dr Katherine Woolf, UCL Medical School: The ethnic attainment gap in medicine
Workshop slides
Dr Jason Arday (University of Roehampton) and Ayo Olatunji (UCL Student Union): Understanding White privilege in Higher Education
Dr Julie Evans (UCL Project Co-Lead), Dr Ros Duhs (Faculty Leads Coordinator) and Sarah Al-Aride (Sabbatical Education Officer Students’s Union): What does an Inclusive Curriculum look like?
Resources launched at the conference
UCL Inclusive Curriculum Healthcheck
UCL Guide to BME Belonging (from UCL Equality, Diversity & Inclusion) (pdf)