Energy saving resources
UCL can save tonnes of CO2 by just shutting down and switching off lights, appliances and anything that might have been left running when it doesn't need to.

19 November 2022
Did you know a computer left on overnight for a year creates enough CO2 to fill a double-decker bus?
Here is a selection of tips and resources to support you, your department and halls to save energy.
- Have a shutdown policy for your department;
- Have a designated person responsible for checking at the end of every day;
- Check windows and doors are closed and locked;
- Switch off power sockets for appliances that don't need power;
- Turn off all the lights.
Switch off resources
Computer switch-off
- Computer switch-off poster portrait for PowerPoint (for use on screens);
- Computer switch-off poster landscape for PowerPoint;
- Computer switch-off poster portrait for printing or socials (pdf).
Lights switch-off
Accommodation switch off
The energy used to light up UCL accommodation annually creates the same CO2 as flying to New York 200 times!