
Sustainable UCL


Student society installs solar panels in Langton Close halls of residence

A group of students from the Clean Energy Projects Society installs a 30kW solar array on the roof of the Langton Close hall of residence.

The Clean Energy Projects Society sitting amongst the solar panels

9 March 2020

The Clean Energy Projects Society was set up with three main aims:

  • To increase the share of UCL’s energy supplied by renewables,
  • To promote student engagement in clean energy,
  • To deliver collaboration between students and staff. 

Jamie, one of the founding members of the society, described the project:

Jamie from the Clean Energy Projects Society in front of solar panels
 "We delivered documentation needed to progress the project, including a business case for UCL Estates and a design & access statement for the planning application. We held a workshop for other interested students, to enable their involvement in certain aspects of the project, but also to receive their feedback and ideas. Through site visits and discussions with contractors we gained a better understanding of the practicalities involved in delivering a project. It’s wonderful to look back on my time at UCL and think about not only coming away with an MSc but also helping to decarbonise UCL.”

Arran from the Clean Energy Projects Society in front of solar panels
Arran says "it was great to be able to use the financial modelling skills that I picked up in my masters to work on a real business case for something I cared about. It was so gratifying to go and visit the solar panels and see the results of our work."

Ali from the Clean Energy Projects Society in front of solar panels
Ali says "working on the Langton Close project was great because it allowed us to gain experience in some of the more practical aspects of sustainability transitions. We were lucky in being able to work closely with the UCL sustainability team to deliver the project – it’s amazing to see it completed!"

Paul from the Clean Energy Projects Society in front of solar panels
Pauls says "when learning about the immense sustainability challenges in the classroom, you can sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed. Delivering this project with fellow students and friends reminded me that you can make a difference in so many ways!"

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