A repository of the publications, working papers and reports led by members and affiliates of UCL WRC that highlight and address the issues around hazard warnings.
- Combine Art and Technology for Early Warning for All: Hybrid Analogue and Digital Early Warning Systems
- Common Alerting Protocol (CAP): Standards-based, all-hazards, all-media public alerting
- Community and Impact-based Warnings: The Site-Specific Early Warning System Framework
- Community-based early warning systems (CBEWS)
- Early Warning Systems for Landslides: The necessity of a systematic and bottom-up approach
- Enhancing Warnings: Developing and supporting effective warnings
- False Alarms and Near Misses
- The First Mile of Warnings: Placing people first
- Inclusive Warnings: Involving everyone in warning processes
- Infectious Disease Warnings: Multi-sectoral integration
- Mobile-based Early Warning Systems: For effective and inclusive alerting
- Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems: Building warnings for multiple hazards (MHEWS)
- Warnings in Violence and Conflict: Coproducing warnings with and for those most at risk
- The Core Pillar: Ensuring success of the Early Warnings for All Initiative
- Enhancing Warnings, comissioned by the National Preparedness Commission
- Translating Warnings into Actions: How we can improve early warning systems to protect communities, commissioned by International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
- Designing Inclusive, Accessible Early Warning Systems: Good Practices and Entry Points, commissioned by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (administered by The World Bank)
- Inclusive early warning early action: checklist and implementation guide, developed as part of the Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS) Pacific initiative
- Preparedness efforts for health threats: the gap between detection and action
Catch up on past issues below: