
Science and Technology Studies


STS offers degrees at each university level: undergraduate, masters, and PhD


Virtual Open Day: Sociology and Politics of Researching COVID-19

Our focus is to understand the place of science and technology in society and culture. In doing so we explore the historical, political, cultural and social forces that shape science development.

When responding to COVID-19, politicians say they are “guided by the science”. It’s always more complicated than that. Every decision made about COVID-19 has involved complex interactions between sociology, politics, ethics, risk assessment, and many more subjects that are far beyond medicine and viruses.

Join us to find out more about the undergraduate degree programmes offered by the UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS). Our degrees are designed to develop your expertise in interdisciplinary interactions across a wide range of subjects in science, technology, environment, and medicine. Our degree aims to train people for careers involving science policy and government, science communication and journalism, ethics, science in business, campaigning, social justice, and more.

There will also be opportunities for you to ask any questions you might have about studying with us, completing your application or what student life is like at UCL.  The Admissions Tutor will be accompanied by members of our academic staff and current students, who can tell you what it is like to live in London and study Science & Technology Studies.

The programme for our Virtual Open Day features:

  • A presentation from a member of our teaching staff about the Sociology and Politics of Researching COVID-19
  • A presentation from our BSc admissions tutor about the degree and related options, such as a year studying abroad
  • advice on careers closely associated with this degree
  • opportunities for you to ask any questions you might have about studying with us, completing your application and student life at UCL

Our Virtual Open Day with be 60 minutes in length.

Participants from the Virtual Open Day:

  • Dr Chiara Ambrosio, STS Admissions Tutor
  • Dr Erman Sozudogru, STS Teaching Fellow
  • Professor Joe Cain, STS Careers Tutor
  • Ms Randalle Roberts, STS Teaching Administrator

Find out more information about our undergraduate degree programmes.

Our next sessions are scheduled for Wednesday 2nd June, 2021, 10am-11am & 4pm-5pm (BST). Please secure your place by registering via the form below.

Register now

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