New PhD Funding Available for BME Students
12 November 2018
Windsor Fellowship is working with UCL to launch a new scholarships programme to support BME postgraduate research degree students – The UCL Research Opportunity Scholarship (UCL-ROS).
The UCL-ROS scheme offers full financial support and a skills development programme, both designed to promote academia as a more attractive career option.
This includes:
Standard postgraduate UK/EU fees;
A maintenance stipend;
Coaching, mentoring support and advocacy;
Enhanced training and skills development from UCL’s Organisation Development Team, through UCL’s Doctoral Skills Development Programme (including the “Brilliant Club” scholars programme) and the Windsor Fellowship;
Dedicated and bespoke careers advice from the UCL’s Careers team;
Enhanced networking opportunities and support with joining external academic societies and forums.
The scholarships are open to individuals who meet both of the following criteria:
Applying to a research degree at UCL in one of the following faculties:
UK-permanent residents from one of the following BME ethnic groups:
Black (Black or Black British African, Black or Black British Caribbean, Black or Black British other or Mixed Black or Black British)
Pakistani (Pakistani or Pakistani British, or Pakistani Mixed or Pakistani Mixed British)
Bangladeshi (Bangladeshi or Bangladeshi British, or Bangladeshi Mixed or Bangladeshi Mixed British)
Awardees will be selected by a panel from UCL and the Windsor Fellowship on the basis of:
Holding an ‘offer’ of a place/admission on an eligible UCL research degree programme;
Academic attainment – as demonstrated by prior results, references, publications and research proposal;
Financial need – based on socio-economic background.
Candidates should first make an informal research enquiry to STS before submitting their application for admission to UCL – contact us at
The closing date for a completed UCL-ROS application is midnight on 31st January 2019
For more information on the Scholarship, including how to apply, visit the Windsor Fellowship Website.