Our History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) affiliate programme allows you to spend a term or a year in one of UCL's top teaching departments (100% overall in NSS2017).
History and Philosophy of Science (HPS)
Our "History and Philosophy of Science" affiliate programme allows you to spend a term or a year in the largest department of its kind in the UK, and a department with consistently top marks from students in national surveys about teaching quality. The HPS affiliate programme is managed centrally by UCL - details are found on UCL Affiliates.
Why study History and Philosophy of Science at UCL?
Science does not take place in isolation. It has a history extending from antiquity to the present. Its knowledge and methods are deeply considered. This programme opens the gates to studying science both as one of humanity’s great global activities and a set of highly specialised research communities. Modules consider specialist studies across the history and philosophy of life, physical, medical, and social sciences. Modules also interpret science within cultural and intellectual histories. One specific goal of our programme is to broaden the perspective of students studying for careers as scientists, improving their ability to reflect on their own contributions and the develop of their fields.
Need more information? Visit our BSc History and Philosophy of Science page.
UCL offers the widest range of modules available in any UK university in history and philosophy of science. We were the first UK university to offer undergraduate degrees in the subject, too. We have an award-winning teaching and research staff, plus a department culture that combines the study of fundamentals with original research and the production of career-improving portfolios. The department consistently scores highly in student evaluations, and students regularly praise staff for their mentoring and inspiration. The department makes good use of the great resources that only London has to offer, for example The British Library, The Science Museum, The Wellcome Collection, and The Alan Turing Institute.
For more information on the wider benefits of studying at UCL, visit The UCL Advantage page.
Teaching and Assessment
Modules in History and Philosophy of Science combine lectures and interactive seminar settings. Students also have access to research staff and tutors for independent development of projects. Assessment projects are diverse, designed overall to build a portfolio of practical elements (such as blogs, films, journalism pieces, and posters) that sits well alongside research essays. Some modules use examinations, for which some affiliate students can substitute alternative written work.
Details on the assessments for specific modules can be found in the various module syllabi.
Modules in History and Philosophy of Science
The modules listed are subject to availability. The modules offered within the department change from year to year, and new modules are regularly introduced; an up-to-date module catalogue for the next session is available on the department website, or on the UCL Module Catalogue.
Contact details for admissions
- Name: Dr Simon Lock
- Email: sts-studyabroad@ucl.ac.uk
- Telephone: +44 (0)20 7679 3763