Business Operations
Room Bookings
The Room Bookings team (in Estates) manages ad hoc bookings in centrally bookable spaces, including restricted rooms. UCL staff should use the CMISgo system to check availability and book rooms directly.
Find out more about Room Bookings.
Business Operations Services Finance has now moved out of Business Operations and into One Desk Finance. As a result of this change, please raise any finance support requests on MyServices from 16th July 2024 (instead of using
For more information, read our Week@UCL news article. For full details, including demos of MyServices and frequently asked questions, visit MyServices SharePoint site.
Please note: You can still email, however you will receive a better experience by using the MyServices portal as you will be able to track your requests and see progress updates in real-time.
Finance Guidance
Office and Building Management
The Office and Building management team is responsible for staff fire inductions. They issue laptops, headsets, and allocate lockers. They also do weekly building checks and monthly building inspections.
From August 2024, the team has moved away from Business Operations Services and is now part of Estates (VP Offices). Find out more about the services provided by Office and Building Management.
HR Services VP Offices
The HR Services team (in the PS Hub) helps with HR administration for UCL's VP Operations and Offices.
Visit the HR Services VP Offices webpage for more information.