UCL Learning Portfolio


MyHR Department Transactions Training
Course Description:
The Department Transaction module of MyHR enable to nominated individuals to be able to submit contractual request, changes and payments to HR Services. This course is mandatory for anyone who needs to submit requests for contracts, changes to appointments including extensions and change to hours, one-off payments and leavers to HR Services and Payroll. Access to the module will not be provided until the training course has been completed.
You will gain a full understanding of how to submit requests to HR Services for new contracts, changes to appointments, leavers and one off payments.
Intended Audience:
All UCL Staff
Target Audience: UCL Staff only
Course Contact:
Further Information:
12/12/2024 (10:00AM) - 12/12/2024 (12:30PM)  (Enrol between 02/04/2024 and 11/12/2024) Enrol

07/01/2025 (10:00AM) - 07/01/2025 (12:30PM)  (Enrol between 31/10/2024 and 06/01/2025) Enrol

30/01/2025 (14:00PM) - 30/01/2025 (16:30PM)  (Enrol between 31/10/2024 and 29/01/2025) Enrol

20/02/2025 (10:00AM) - 20/02/2025 (12:30PM)  (Enrol between 18/11/2024 and 19/02/2025) Enrol

11/03/2025 (14:00PM) - 11/03/2025 (16:30PM)  (Enrol between 11/12/2024 and 10/03/2025) Enrol

03/04/2025 (10:00AM) - 03/04/2025 (12:30PM)  (Enrol between 06/01/2025 and 02/04/2025) Enrol

24/04/2025 (14:00PM) - 24/04/2025 (16:30PM)  (Enrol between 29/01/2025 and 23/04/2025) Enrol

13/05/2025 (10:00AM) - 13/05/2025 (12:30PM)  (Enrol between 19/02/2025 and 12/05/2025) Enrol

05/06/2025 (14:00PM) - 05/06/2025 (16:30PM)  (Enrol between 10/03/2025 and 04/06/2025) Enrol

26/06/2025 (10:00AM) - 26/06/2025 (12:30PM)  (Enrol between 02/04/2025 and 25/06/2025) Enrol

15/07/2025 (14:00PM) - 15/07/2025 (16:30PM)  (Enrol between 23/04/2025 and 14/07/2025) Enrol

05/08/2025 (10:00AM) - 05/08/2025 (12:30PM)  (Enrol between 12/05/2025 and 04/08/2025) Enrol

28/08/2025 (14:00PM) - 28/08/2025 (16:30PM)  (Enrol between 04/06/2025 and 27/08/2025) Enrol

16/09/2025 (10:00AM) - 16/09/2025 (12:30PM)  (Enrol between 25/06/2025 and 15/09/2025) Enrol

07/10/2025 (10:00AM) - 07/10/2025 (12:30PM)  (Enrol between 14/07/2025 and 06/10/2025) Enrol

30/10/2025 (14:00PM) - 30/10/2025 (16:30PM)  (Enrol between 04/08/2025 and 29/10/2025) Enrol

20/11/2025 (14:00PM) - 20/11/2025 (16:30PM)  (Enrol between 27/08/2025 and 19/11/2025) Enrol

09/12/2025 (10:00AM) - 09/12/2025 (12:30PM)  (Enrol between 15/09/2025 and 08/12/2025) Enrol

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