The linguistic and cultural diversity of Central and Eastern Europe is one of the richest on the continent. At SSEES you can explore this astonishing diversity on a broad range of language and culture courses, which are unparalleled in the UK.
We offer 9 languages from the region at BA level. You can choose any one of these languages as the focus of a Single Honours degree, or you can choose any two of them for a combined degree. You can also combine any language of the SSEES region with a language from the School of European Languages, Culture and Society (SELCS) such as French, German, Italian, Spanish etc. This gives over 240 language combinations at UCL!
Our Degrees
- Bulgarian and East European Studies BA
- Czech (with Slovak) and East European Studies BA
- Finnish and East European Studies BA
- Hungarian and East European Studies BA
- Polish and East European Studies BA
- Romanian and East European Studies BA
- Russian and History BA
- Russian Studies BA
- Russian with an East European Language BA
- Serbian/Croatian and East European Studies BA
- Ukrainian and East European Studies BA
Please refer the UCL Prospectus for details of all available language combinations and entry requirements, or contact us directly for guidance.
Subject Spotlight
Join Ramona Gonczol in our fascinating Subject Spotlight as she takes you to Southeastern Europe and all the way to Romania! You will learn all about the literature, politics, culture, history, and geography of Romania before looking at why the country’s language is so unique to study. Try our new online course for free, available on the Springpod website.
An Overview of Languages and Culture at SSEES
With developed skills in critical reasoning, independent thinking and application of theoretical concepts you will be strongly placed to find employment in international organisations, particularly careers which cross international boundaries and use languages. Career prospects are likely to include finance, media, diplomacy, education, translation, research, and consultancy.
For guidance on the programme structure, please see the Programme Handbook (please note the handbook is for current students and so the structure may change somewhat from year to year. You can view the module descriptions by clicking on the titles which will take you through to the UCL Module Catalogie.
For videos about SSEES, our programmes, modules and recordings of past events, subscribe to our YouTube Channel.