Full text resources
- Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library - The Library provides access to large number of digitised collections. These would include:
- Journals such as Zhar Ptitsa [Жар-птица] 1921 - 1926
- Postcards
- Individual documents: such as Letter from Alexander I to Napoleon
- Collection of documents, such as "Second World War in Archival Documents” containing more than 1700 archival documents, photographs, newsreel fragments (from 1933 to 1939)
For other resources please check the library's catalogue
- Elektronnaia biblioteka GPIB Rossii [Электронная библиотека ГПИБ] - Provides good selection of digitised materials from its collections including:
- Journals, including digitised newspapers from the period of Russian revolution, satirical journals (1905 - 1917)
- Colection of books on futurism, includng works by Maiakovskii
- Elektronekrasovka. Digital collection of Nekrasov Library. The Library provides access to number of digitised books and periodicals, including:
- Kino Fot
- Novyi Lef (16 issues 1927 - 1928)
- Stroitelstvo Moskvy (1925- 1942)
- Natsionalnaina Elektronnaia Biblioteka [Национальная электронная библиотека (НЭБ)] - The Library offer access to more than four millions open access resources that would include journals, books and documents. Examples would include:
- Apostol [Апостол]. The the first precisely dated book printed in Moscow in 1564.
- Semen Remezov's Atlas of Siberia. The first Russian handwritten geographical atlas of Siberia (1703)
- Literaturnaia Gazeta [Литературная газета] 1929 - 1960
- Sovremennaia Arkhitektura [Современная архитектура] 1926 - 1930
- Kommunisticheskiy Internatsional [Коммунистический интернационал] 1919 - 1943
- Polnoe Sobranie Zakonov Rossiiskoi Imperii. [Полное собрание законов Российской империи] Provides access to around 150 000 acts of law. From 1649-1913.
- Polnoe Sobranie Russkikh Letopisei [Полное собрание русских летописей] - The first volume of Complete Collection of Russian Chronicles was published in 1841 and the project continue until present (please note that more recent editions are unavailable online).
- Russkoe Geographicheskoe Obschestvo [Русское географическое общество] - The society was established in 1845 and its library provides access to number of digitised resources including:
- Rossiiskoe Istoricheskoe Obschestvo The society was founded in 1866 and provides access to a number of online collections, including:
- Several hundreds of books containing printed archival documents (published after 1991);
- Collection of digitised newspapers from 1914 - 1922 (I World War and Civil War period);
- 148 volumes of Sbornik Imperatorskogo Russkogo Istoricheskogo Obschestva [Сборник Императорского Русского Исторического Общества] (via GPIB)
- Runivers - Online Library providing access to large number digitised books, maps and journals. Examples would include:
Please also note that "Index of Names in Pre-revolutionary Periodicals" [Сводный указатель личных имен в дореволюционной периодике] provided by the Nekrasov Library may also be of interest
- Sobranie rukopisei i staropechatnykh knig [Собрание рукописей и старопечатных книг] - Project of the Russian State Library is comprised of several thousand of digitised items and includes various collections, including:
- Collections of Russian Classics (Kultura.rf) - The website offers a substantial collection of Russian classics authors, downloadable in epub format, so it can be read on practically any device including dedicated e-readers, such as kindle or PocketBook. Examples would include:
Litres - offers the biggest access to Russian language ebooks, including both classics and modern authors. Although it is a paid service it offers access to a large number of free ebooks as well (registration required). In addition Rossotrudnichestvo UK offers free access to Litres.ru (registration required) via a dedicated link (most of the books are available and can be read in full text either online or on mobile application).
Solzhenitsyn.ru - Offers access to 30 volumes collected works of Solzhenitsyn downloadable in PDF format.
Tostoy.ru - Offer access to collected works of Tolstoy in ninety volumes.
The project of Institute of Russian Literature "Академические собрания сочинений Пушкинского Дома", offers access to a number of digitised works of Russian classics, such as Gogol, Dostoevsky, Lermontov, Pushkin, Turgenev and others.
Audio collections
- Melodiya - "Melodiya” was founded in 1964 as a state-owned company for production, storage and distribution of sound recordings. Melodiya's soundcloud account offer access to a number of recordings including:
Lenin's speeches (1918 - 1921) - Речи В. И. Ленина 1918-1921 гг. by Melodiya
Anna Akhmatova reading her poems - Анна Ахматова читает свои стихи by Melodiya
Frederic Chopin - Фредерик Шопен by Melodiya
Tchaikovskyi - Чайковский: Избранные пьесы из "Времен года" (для ТАСС) by Melodiya
Soviet Radio - Arkhiv Gosteleradiofonda [Гостелерадиофонд]. Provides access to archival broadcasts including:
- TV news: please check our guide to TV news in Eastern Europe: Russia. The guide provide access to TV news programs from more than 10 TV stations.
- Mariinsky Theatre - Selection of past performances available on official "V Kontakte" page.
- Large selection of Soviet TV theatre from the collection of ГОСТЕЛЕРАДИОФОНД России Телеспектакли.
- Kultura.rf - The site offers access to large number of historical theatrical performances from various theatres including Sovremennik, Bolshoi and Malyi theatres.