
Student and Registry Services


Academic Services in Numbers 2023

31 January 2024

A summary of Academic Services activities over the last year

It has been another busy year in Academic Services. Highlights of the work involved include:

  • 12,870 Digital Award Certificates issued since launch in December
  • 24,533 awards conferred
  • 15,362 E-Transcripts processed
  • 2452 centrally managed exams for 68453 Candidatures delivered online and in person (including LSA)
  • 321,724 timetable teaching hours for 2023/24
  • 242 Academic Misconduct Panels organised with 18 students excluded due to Academic Misconduct
  • 803 Formal Complaints received from students
  • 89 Complaints to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator of which 53 were 'Not Justified', 9 were 'Not Eligible', and 9 were 'Withdrawn'

UCL’s Education Committee approved the following taught programmes of study in 2022/23:

  • MArch Cinematic and Videogame Architecture
  • MSc Business and Sustainability
  • MSc Chemical Sustainability
  • MArch Fire Safe Design
  • MSc Nature Inspired Solutions
  • MSc Future Manufacturing and Nanoscale Engineering
  • MSc Anthropology and Professional Practice
  • BSc Information in Society
  • MSc Transport and Mobility Services
  • PGDip Senior Wellbeing Practitioner
  • MSc Conservation of Contemporary Art and Media
  • MSc Artificial Intelligence and Medical Imaging
  • MSc Ecology and Urban Engineering
  • PGDip Child and Adolescent Psychology and Neuroscience in Practice
  • PGCert in Independent and Supplementary Non-Medical Prescribing with Enhanced Clinical Assessment
  • MSc Infrastructure Systems
  • MSc / PGDip / PGCert Oncology
  • BA Philosophy and Computer Science
  • BSc Human Neuroscience

UCL’s Research Studies Committee approved the following research programmes of study in 2022/23:

  • MPhil/PhD Global Business for Health
  • DBA Health
  • MPhil/PhD Finance and Technology


Contact details for further information: academicregulations@ucl.ac.uk