Coming soon! Moodle-SITS Marks Transfer integration
19 February 2024
Find out about our pilot of the Moodle-SITS Marks Transfer integration and plans for launch in March
We are currently piloting a Moodle-SITS Marks Transfer and plan to launch this to all Moodle users on March 18th. You can read more about the pilot here: Moodle-SITS Marks Transfer pilot update.
This development will improve the process for transferring marks from Moodle to Portico. So far pilot feedback has been very positive: users say the assessment wizard works well and will save them a lot of time.
The first version of the integration that we launch in March will be a “Minimum Viable Product” and will support Moodle Assignments, Quizzes and Turnitin Assignments (not multipart) and the following criteria must be met:
1. You have used the Portico enrolment block to create a mapping with a Module Delivery on your Moodle course.
2. Either of the following assessment scenarios is true:
- Only one Moodle assessment activity is being linked to one assessment component in SITS.
- Only one Moodle assessment activity is being linked to multiple assessment components in SITS.assessment component exists in SITS to map against.
3. An assessment component exists in SITS to map against.
4. The Moodle assessment marks are numerical 0-100.
5. The assessment component in SITS is compatible with SITS Marking Schemes and SITS Assessment Types.
6. For exam assessments, the SITS assessment component is the exam room code EXAMMDLE.
Following launch, we will continue to develop the integration to cover other assessment scenarios and functionality based upon user feedback and demand.
To support the rollout of this integration, we have established a group of Moodle Faculty Champions who will help with the cascade of information within each Faculty and we will provide “how to” guidance, FAQs and briefings once the integration is available.
Contact for further information: More information will be coming soon but for questions about the pilot in the meantime, please contact Kerry Vandersteen (