Marks Transfer to Portico
22 April 2024
Find out how to transfer marks to Portico from WISEflow and Moodle
It is now possible to transfer marks to Portico from both WISEflow and Moodle: information and guidance on this is provided below.
WISEflow to Portico Marks Transfer
Staff with Manager access in WISEflow (AssessmentUCL) can transfer marks to Portico at the touch of a button. Guidance on the process can be found at in the How to Guide for Managers. A video guide is also available.
If you require any assistance with your WISEflow assessments, then please check the support pages for guides and contact information.
Moodle to Portico Marks Transfer
Moodle users can now transfer marks from Moodle to Portico using our new Marks Transfer Wizard.
This is the first release of the Marks Transfer Wizard and can be used for marks transfer for Moodle Assignments, Quizzes and Turnitin Assignments (not multipart) which meet certain criteria as outlined in the Marks Transfer Wizard overview.
Support and guidance
Demonstration and drop-in support session on Weds 24th April 3-4pm: this is open to all to find out how to use the Marks Transfer Wizard / ask questions (note - you are welcome to “drop in” to these sessions with questions and do not need to stay for the whole duration).
Please use the link below to join the session or email if you would like to receive a calendar invitation to the session.
Written and video guidance and FAQs are provided on our Marks Transfer wiki.
Questions, issues and feedback
- For any issues with using the marks transfer tool, contact
- For any issues with Portico data e.g. incorrect assessment or student information, contact
- Please provide any feedback about the Marks Transfer Wizard to your Faculty Moodle Champion.
What next?
After the initial release, we will continue to develop the Marks Transfer Wizard by adding further marking scenarios and functionality.
Current priorities are:
· Grade Book items and categories including external LTI resources
· Handling of SoRAs, ECs and LSAs
· Turnitin Multipart Assignments
This is a very exciting development for assessment administration at UCL. We hope you find the new Marks Transfer Wizard beneficial!
Contact email for further information:
For any support issues with the Marks Transfer Wizard please contact
For specific support on WISEflow, please contact Digital Assessment Advisors
For any issues with Portico data e.g. incorrect assessment or student information, contact