Exam Script Collection
22 April 2024
Base Room for Exams Team during April-May
The delivery of examination scripts from the ExCeL will arrive very late each evening. The Exams Team will need time to unpack and check the large volume of boxes each morning, so will not be open for script collection until 10am.
Scripts and other exam materials will be available for collection 10am-5pm from our Exam Operations Room in the Basement of 169 Euston Road.
Please note that there is no longer a security presence in the reception area of 169 Euston Road, so staff will not be able to access our office without a staff ID card. On entering the building, you should take the lift down to the basement to ensure that you are using the correct entrance to our office (you will not be able to access the correct side of our office via the stairs).
If an examiner wishes to collect their scripts from the ExCeL on the day of their exam, please email examinations@ucl.ac.uk at least one working day in advance of the exam. Please provide all relevant module codes in your email notification. This will give us time to relay the message to the team working on site at the ExCel Centre and ensure that they do not pack up the scripts in the boxes ready for return to campus.
Please ensure that staff bring their UCL ID with them when collecting exam scripts or any other materials from our operations room or from the ExCel Centre. This applies to all staff, including those who are well known to us, as we have new team members who won’t recognise you and will have been instructed not to release any exam materials or scripts to staff without sufficient ID.
Contact email for further information: examinations@ucl.ac.uk