
Student and Registry Services


Latest enhancements to the EC system

8 September 2023

Read about the latest updates to improve user experience and claim list loading times

A number of enhancements to the EC system will go-live over the coming week to improve user experience when viewing claim lists and claim list load times. These include:

  • Ability to filter claims list to view “Completed claims with decisions from FECP”
  • Ability to use a date picker to select a date range when filtering claims list e.g. show claims submitted between dd/mm/yyyy and dd/mm/yyyy
  • Ability to search for claims containing specific module codes
  • Ability to export filtered claims list to excel (previously you would need to export full list to excel and then filter)

Claim details (shown when the user clicks “Action”) will launch in a new tab which the user can then close to return directly to the claims list (note that you must click refresh when returning to a claims list in order for your latest action to show e.g. if you have just completed a claim and return to the claims list, you need to refresh the list before it shows as complete.

Contact details for further information: kirsten.hamilton@ucl.ac.uk