Postgraduate Boards of Examiners
10 October 2023
Assessment timelines, Progression & award training and the release of results
The PGT Boards of Examiners meetings are due to take place between 30 October and 10 November.
Official results approved by Faculty by the deadline of Friday 17 November 2023 will be released to students on the 27 November 2023.
Student Records will aim to process as many results as possible for release on the 27 November 2023, but cannot guarantee results approved after the 17 November 2023 will be ready for release. If you are not able to approve results by the deadline, please let your students know that there will be a delay to them receiving their results.
On the 27 November 2023, students will receive an email to their UCL email account & personal account with details of their results and if eligible, details of their award. Due to the large number of results being released, emails will arrive throughout the day and evening. Students will be able to view their results on Portico from 28 November 2023. Finalist students will also be able to access a self-serve E-transcript and Statement of Award directly from Portico.
All students can place orders for copies of their transcripts via the UCL online shop from the 29 November.
Degree documentation for results released on the 27 November 2023, will be dispatched by the end of March 2024. For awards processed after 17 November 2023, degree documentation will be dispatched within three months of the date of official release of results.
New for this year, students will be able to access an E-certificate via the Gradintel platform. We anticipate that this will be available from early December, date to be confirmed in due course.
Please note it is expected that Departments will have contacted students who have failed in advance of official results being released.
Graduate Route
The Visa Compliance Team will confirm awards for students applying to study via the Graduate Route after results release on the 27 November 2023.
For awards conferred after the 27 November 2023, the Compliance Team will confirm student awards once they are approved by Faculty.
For the complete assessment schedule please view the timeline on the Exam Board Support Webpages.
Portico Progression & Award training for Board Administrators
The Exam Board Support webpage contains a wide range of training materials to support colleagues undertaking the Portico Progression and award tasks.
You can access walk-through videos of all of the key tasks, as well as written guidance to assist you in calculating and confirming the progression and award outcomes of your students.
Student Records are also holding a training session for colleagues on the 11th October, 3-4pm. The session will be recorded and shared via our Faculty Teams channels and added to the Exam Board Support webpages, for your reference.
For further information please log a query via your Faculty Query Management Log or email (staff only).