
Student and Registry Services


2024/25 Curriculum Data Maintenance launch and SLT Workshops

14 November 2023

Further details for the 24/25 CDM launch and the new SLT support workshops we are introducing

Please join us for the launch of the 2024/25 Curriculum Data Maintenance task on the 4th December at 11am. This will be a teams live event, led by Student Lifecycle and other key areas such as Timetabling and Policy colleagues. Please look out for the calendar invite which will be landing in your inbox soon.

We are also very pleased to announce that we are launching a series of workshops to support colleagues in completing the CDM task. Each workshop will cover key areas of CDM:

CDM workshop: general programme diets overview 

A workshop led by Ksenia Burns (SLT) covering good practice in diet creation and maintenance, how grouping of modules can benefit students and issues to avoid. 

06 December 2023 11am

CDM workshop: from the student side 

A workshop led by Charlene Smith (SLT) covering what the student sees when they log into Portico to choose their modules. Detailing how the programme diets, help text, and choice containers are viewed by students.

08 December 2023 11am

CDM workshop: module information and class sizes 

A workshop led by Rob Ramos (SLT) covering module updates which feed into the module catalogue, and the importance of accurate class size predictions to assist timetabling. 

11 December 2023 11am

CDM workshop: clash checking reports to aid programme diet review

A workshop led by Ben Johnson (TT) covering how the revamped clash checking reports can aid you in checking in advance for compulsory and optional module clashes.

12 December 2023 11am

CDM workshop: module assessment amended spreadsheets 

A workshop led by Fiona Carson (SLT) covering how departments should complete the module amendment assessment task, covering the various assessment types and EC mitigations, and how to capture all the required data on the relevant spreadsheet. 

13 December 2023 11am

CDM workshop: module management rules 

A workshop led by Jake Kennedy (SLT) covering how module management rules (MMRs) can be effectively implemented as part of module and programme review. Common language used for pre-req and co-req rules to assist module selection. 

Please register your interest for the workshops via this link: https://forms.office.com/e/bDAAeiuqVb

15 December 2023 11am

Contact details for further information: lifecycle@ucl.ac.uk