AssessmentUCL Practice Exams
24 March 2023
Getting Students Prepared in Advance
All students undertaking centrally managed examinations on AssessmentUCL will be given access to at least one Practice Assessment within the platform.
This will enable them to familiarise themselves with the AssessmentUCL platform in advance of the main central assessment period. All students should be encouraged to engage with these using the device that they intend to use for their forthcoming assessments.
Where students will be required to submit hand-written work as part of their answers; they should also practice converting their work into pdf format using the software and device that they intend to use during their assessments. This will enable them to ensure that the process works correctly and give them an understanding of how long this process will take.
All students will have received an email notification when they were added to the practice assessments.
Practice Exams for the Lockdown Browser Pilot at the ExCel
Students participating in the lockdown browser pilot will have been added to at least one lockdown browser practice exam. The lockdown browser is currently not available on the computers in cluster rooms on campus; so students will need to use their own devices and download the browser in order to complete the practice exams.
Contact details for further information: