
Student and Registry Services


Transferring marks from AssessmentUCL to Portico

24 April 2023

Find out how easy it is to transfer your marks

Once the AssessmentUCL marking period has finished, marks can be transferred directly into Portico.  Departments who used this functionality last year have informed us that this has saved them time, and that it has minimised the errors which can be introduced when working with spreadsheets and/or the manual input of marks.

Please note that any marks in Portico cannot be overwritten by this process, so once transferred you would not be able to use this process to transfer any updated marks. We therefore recommend that you wait to transfer when you have a full set of marks for your assessment and do the process ONCE only.

If Assessors and Reviewers have marked offline, they should import their marks back into AssessmentUCL in advance of the transfer of marks to Portico, this will avoid the need to manually input marks to Portico. 

The following resources are available to support you:

If you need any additional support, please refer to further information on training and support for details.

Contact details for further information: examinations@ucl.ac.uk