
Student and Registry Services


Candidate Numbers 2022/23

22 September 2022

Provision of Candidate Numbers to Students

New candidate numbers for the 2022/23 academic session have been generated and email notifications sent to all students who have enrolled for the coming academic year.  

This process will continue to run on a frequent basis throughout the academic year in order to pick up students as and when they enrol, along with those who have confirmed resits and deferred assessments due to be taken in the 2022/23 session.  

In addition to the email notification, students will also be able to view their numbers via Portico and access a printable version suitable for taking into an exam room.  

Students should use their candidate number when submitting all summative assessments to ensure that the marking process remains anonymous.  

Please note that for on-line assessments delivered via AssessmentUCL (WISEflow), there will not be a requirement for students to remember their candidate number as the system will automatically attach the correct candidate number to each piece of work submitted.  

Contact details for further information: examinations@ucl.ac.uk