Draft Central Assessment Timetable 2022
14 February 2022
We are now finalising the Timetable
The Draft Central Assessment Timetable and a resit candidate list was published to Examination Liaison Officers in departments on Monday 14 February 2022.
The deadline for feedback from departments is Friday 18th February.
When checking particular attention should be given to the following:
- Check all examination durations. Does the exam duration factor in what you are requiring students to do, especially where you may be asking them to scan multiple files for upload which may be difficult for them to achieve within the 20 minute upload window? Now is the last opportunity for you to update your durations (up to a maximum of four hours) if these complexities have not already been factored in.
- Double Check the duration for resits (where we had not been informed of the duration for the resit exams, we have assumed that the 2021/22 duration should apply. It is essential that you inform us if the wrong assumption has been made).
- Check that any timetabling requests have been met
- Check that exams which must be scheduled together have been timetabled correctly
- We are using the exam venue to show which platform is being used for the exam delivery. Please check this carefully as this will enable us to direct students to the correct place for each of their assessments.
- If you are using AssessmentUCL but plan to author your assessment on the platform (as opposed to supplying/uploading a question paper), then please let us know. Where these are already known they will display with a venue of “AssessmentUCL – FlowMulti”.
- Check the resit candidate list and resit assessments listed on the timetable. If any resit assessments and/or students are missing (or included when they should not be) please inform us.
All centrally organised assessments will be delivered via the AssessmentUCL platform. This platform receives its student data from Portico. It is more important than ever to ensure that students are registered on the correct modules. Any incorrect module registrations will prevent students from accessing their examinations on the AssessmentUCL platform.
PLEASE DO NOT PUBLISH THE DRAFT TIMETABLE TO YOUR STUDENTS. We are aware that this has occurred in the past and causes considerable confusion for students when the final is published as some of the dates may need to change in the draft to incorporate any essential amendments.
Final Timetable
The Final Timetable will be published on 28 February 2022. Please note that this timetable has been produced using new software and will not be available for students to view via Portico. Students will instead receive an email notification of their assessment dates accompanied by instructions on how to download their individual timetable into their calendars.
Contact details for further information: examinations@ucl.ac.uk