17-21 March: Annual SITS/Portico upgrade
14 February 2022
Reminder about planned service outage
This is a reminder that this year’s annual SITS/Portico upgrade to version 10.2 will take place from 4pm on Thursday 17 March until 10am on Monday 21 March 2022. Both Portico and the SITS client will be unavailable during this time.
Extensive testing of the new version of SITS has been carried out by a wide range of user and support teams to ensure the processes and functions you currently use in Portico will continue to operate as expected after the upgrade. This includes services that take data from Portico, such as Moodle and the timetabling system (CMIS).
Notification of this planned outage will be placed on the Portico and SITS client login screens a few weeks prior to the start date.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused by this necessary interruption of service.
Contact email for further information: p.speller@ucl.ac.uk