
Student and Registry Services


Coming Soon: Assessment Operating Model for 2021-22

13 September 2021

Work is underway to agree and publish the detailed Assessment Operating Model for the coming academic year

In June 2021, UCL Education Committee discussed an outline operating model for online exams in 2021-22, and asked a cross-university working group comprising academics and professional services staff to draw up detailed regulations over the summer.  

Revised draft regulations are currently going through consultation and due process through the normal committee stages. Due to the unpredictability of the Covid-19 pandemic, it was agreed that the operating model should not be fully confirmed until the start of the new academic year.  

The time-line for these committees are ARQASC on 21 September with final approval at Education Committee on 14 October. Communications for staff and students will be published shortly afterwards. 

If you are in the process of planning inductions and start of session activities, we recommend that you tell students that they will receive detailed information of any assessment regulation changes as soon as they have been agreed by EdCom after 14 October.  

Contact email for further information: academicregulations@ucl.ac.uk