External Examiners’ status on Portico
11 June 2021
Board Teams to check and confirm External Examiners’ appointment status on Portico for the 2020/21 session. Deadline: ASAP
***Reminder of article submitted in May – please check and confirm ASAP if you haven’t already***
There are three checks for External Examiner Appointment status that Board Teams should complete. These checks should be done ASAP and no later than 28th May:
Current Appointed status – External Examiners’ who are active for 2020/21 AY
Board teams to check on Portico and ensure that all External Examiners (EE) for the 2020/21 session are currently appointed in the Board of Examiners data hub on Portico (within the Awards, Assessments and Achievements tab – see screen shot at the bottom of this article).
Historic status - External Examiners’ who finished in 2019/20 AY
External Examiners’ whose term finished in 2019/20 will appear as Historic and colleagues are advised to ensure that these details are accurate. These EEs should not have been active during the 2020/21 AY and are not expected to attend upcoming Board meetings.
Pending Nominations for 2020/21 and 2021/22
Additionally, please make sure that the nominations process for new EEs for 2020/21 has been completed and EEs are formally appointed. It is vital this is completed well in advance of the upcoming Board meetings.
REMINDER: When checking an EE’s status, please note those whose final year as EE is 2020/21 AY. You will need to start the nomination process now for a replacement, so they are formally appointed by September 2021. Please submit nomination details through ‘External Examiner Details for Nomination Form’ by 1st July.
Please refer to Chapter 9, Section 4 of the Academic Manual for (Section 4.1) criteria for appointment and further guidance on the (Section 4.4.1) nomination and appointment process.
PGT External Examiners in their final year
NB: PG External Examiners complete their duties after the Final Board has met and therefore are still active for the current 2020-21 External Examining session for BoE meetings that occur during the coming Autumn term (2021). There is no need to request an extension for those External Examiners to complete the forthcoming PG BoE meeting, even if this meeting takes place after 31st August 2021.
For further information, please contact examiners@ucl.ac.uk