
Student and Registry Services


SRS Green Champions - January 2020 update

22 January 2021

UCL Climate Hub launch

UCL has recently launched its Climate Hub, an arena that demonstrates the university’s activities in terms of tackling climate change across our community and beyond. The Climate Hub showcases UCL’s world-leading research, our wide range of collaborations from Camden Council to the UN, and student actions such as the Climate Action Society and Zero Food Waste UCL.

The Hub also allows us to view UCL’s progress in meeting the 2019-2024 Sustainability Strategy, with its ambitious goals of net zero carbon buildings and greatly increasing the amount of biodiverse space on campus.

The Big Garden Birdwatch

The Big Garden Birdwatch takes place from the 29 to 31 January 2021. Year on year, more people take part in this extremely successful and important piece of citizen science. The Big Garden Birdwatch provides a snapshot of the changes in bird species throughout the UK.

It’s easy to do, and doesn’t require having your own personal garden. You can count birds at your birdfeeder, in your local park, allotment or any green public space. Just sit down for an hour and watch a defined area totalling the highest number for each species of bird that you observe.

Not only will you be providing important data for conservation efforts, you will also be interacting with nature at such a critical time for our own wellbeing.

Just sign up to receive your registration and species identification information. Good luck and let’s see if we can have the largest number of recordings made by UCL staff this year!

Your SRS Green Champions are Saam Das, Rachel Euba, Adam Vidler Jo Ward and Chandan Shah. Please get in contact with us if you would like to share any feedback, contribute to our sustainability activities or join the team.