Reminder: External Examiner Nominations and Appointments process 2020/21
18 February 2021
A reminder of the process for External Examiner (EE) Nominations and Appointments, Moodle access, Tenure and FAQs
We request colleagues thoroughly review Academic Manual Chapter 9, Section 4.1 Criteria for Appointment and confirm the nominee fulfils the criteria prior to submitting nomination details.
Please also refer to Chapter 9, Section 4.4.1 (Process of Nomination) for further details about the updated criteria and process prior to completing the Pre-nomination MS Form (included in the Academic Manual and provided below for ease):
Once submitted, our team will contact the External Examiner (EE) and request they complete a separate brief form to record their Date of Birth and City/Town of Residence, so departmental colleagues no longer need to request this from the EE.
Our team will set up the formal nomination after receiving complete data from departments and the External Examiner via the Office Forms.
Moodle access:
Once we have sent the formal nomination form to the EE, we will notify colleagues and provide relevant UCL credentials to pass to your Departmental IT contact to arrange Moodle access. We do not send these credentials to EEs. Please refer to the dedicated page for the External Examining processes where we offer some guidance around Moodle access although it is not in our team’s remit to arrange Moodle access for EEs.
For 2020-21 AY appointments: please submit the form asap as these EEs are already likely to be involved in reviewing 2020-21 AY work and therefore need an active and formal record.
For 2021-22 AY appointments: submit now or latest by 1st July 2021 so these EEs are in place to start the AY and be involved in work related to 2021-22 AY. NB: These EEs will not attend Autumn Boards in 2021 which relate to 2020-21 AY work.
Some FAQs are provided on the dedicated page for the External Examining processes to help answer queries colleagues might have around the External Examining process (fee payments and expenses; P60, payslips, EE tenure and information to send to EEs).
If you feel we have missed any particular question, please feel free to contact us so we can add it to the list of FAQs.
Contact email for further information: