
Student and Registry Services


Examination Timetable 2021

18 February 2021

We are now finalising the Examination Timetable

The draft examination timetable was published to Examination Liaison Officers in departments on Monday 15 February 2021.

The deadline for feedback from departments was Friday 19th February; and we are now working our way through those responses with a view to publishing the final version to students on 01 March.

Candidate Lists and Module Registrations remain available to view on Portico via the Exam Timetable Task that you used to review your examination timetable data – these will not be circulated via email.  It is more important than ever to ensure that students are registered on the correct modules.  Any incorrect module registrations will prevent students from accessing their examinations on the AssessmentUCL platform.

PLEASE DO NOT PUBLISH THE DRAFT TIMETABLE TO YOUR STUDENTS. We are aware that this has occurred in the past and causes considerable confusion for students when the final is published as some of the dates may need to change in the draft to incorporate any essential amendments.

Final Timetable

The Final Timetable will be published on 01 March 2021.  Please note that this timetable has been produced using new software and will not be available for students to view via Portico. Students will instead receive an email with instructions on how to access their individual timetables.   

Contact email for further information: examinations@ucl.ac.uk