Exam Boards: Virtual for 2020-21
18 February 2021
It has now been confirmed that all Exam Boards in 2020-21 should be held virtually
Due to the ongoing disruption caused by Covid-19 it has now been agreed that all Exam Boards should be held virtually during 2020-21. In addition, we would also like to remind you that the Covid-19 Boards of Examiners Emergency Procedures annex in the Academic Manual outlines various scenarios that could affect the operation of boards such as:
• If the Board is Not Quorate
• If the External Examiner is Unable to Attend
• If Marks are Missing
Delegation of Authority to a Sub Board
We also wanted to remind staff that the ‘Proforma for Delegation of Authority to a Sub Board’ was discontinued in 2020-21 and is no longer required. This adjustment to the regulations means that when a Sub Board is needed the Board of Examiners and External Examiner can formally delegate authority either at a meeting of the Board or by email and this then only needs to be formally recorded in the minutes. The full Delegation of Authority to a Sub Board regulations can be found via: Chapter 4, Part 13.3.9
Contact email for further information: academicregulations@ucl.ac.uk