Module Evaluation Questionnaire (MEQ) policy
10 December 2021
A reminder of the Academic Manual regulations for carrying out student module evaluation questionnaires
Module Evaluation Questionnaires are an important part of UCL Student Engagement practice, providing valuable student feedback to departments and faculties on their programmes. The feedback helps programmes to maintain academic standards as well as facilitate meaningful discussions with students on their delivery and on ways to improve and enhance provision (see the Quality Code Advice and Guidance: Student Engagement).
All taught modules, including undergraduate, postgraduate taught (and MRes) and Initial Teacher Education programmes, must be evaluated at least once during the year. Further details of UCL’s policy for MEQ can be found in the updated Academic Manual.
The policy and supporting guidance and resources are designed to support staff and facilitate existing good practice.
For support with implementing the MEQ policy, please contact Yusuf Ozkizil, Project Manager - Student Engagement, Office of the Vice-Provost Education and Student Experience.