
Student and Registry Services


Confirm External Examiners Not continuing in 2021/22

13 August 2021

31st August –Board Admins to complete Portico task to confirm the External Examiners who are NOT continuing in 2021/22.

***Process change***

As part of the Board of Examiners process, the reconfirmation of External Examiner appointments task is now open on Portico in order to facilitate Board Chairs, Deputy Chairs and/or Board Administrators in confirming their External Examiners who are NOT continuing for the 2021/22 session even though still in period of their appointment (termination during tenure).

Please ensure that all External Examiners who are NOT continuing their term in 2021/22 are recorded as this on Portico (by 31st August).

This task can be found within the ‘Board of Examiners’ container on Portico: 

External Examiner Confirmation Process

Please ensure you inform the External Examiner(s) in writing with a brief statement of reason for not continuing their appointment and inform the Chair of QRSC via examiners@ucl.ac.uk.

Please note, you do not complete this task for External Examiners starting their term in 2021/22.

NB: PG External Examiners complete their duties after the Final Board has met and therefore are still active for the current 2020-21 External Examining session for BoE meetings that occur during the coming Autumn term (2021). There is no need to request an extension for those External Examiners to complete the forthcoming PG BoE meeting, even if this meeting takes place after 31st August 2021.

To nominate new External Examiners please submit details using the ‘Pre Nomination’ form to start the process. We no longer process these details if submitted via Email. In order to process and confirm appointments in time before the start of the new Academic Year, please submit new nominee details as soon as possible.

Please refer to Chapter 9, Section 4.1 (Criteria for Appointment) and 4.4.1 (Process of Nomination) of the Academic Manual for further details about the process.     

For further information please contact examiners@ucl.ac.uk