Exam Board Briefing Sessions: Assessment Regulations and Policy
19 April 2021
Hold the date: two Exam Board briefing sessions for ELOs, Academics, and Professional Services staff in early May on Assessment Regulations and Policy
Academic Services will be running two Exam Board focused briefing sessions in early May aimed at refreshing Departments on key changes that have been made to classification rules, and a recap of the Covid-19 related mitigations that Boards of Examiners will need to take into account. The sessions are intended for ELOs, Chairs, and Academic/Professional Services staff with an interest.
You can sign up for the briefings below:
• 10th May 2pm to 3pm
• 12th May 1pm to 2pm
Please hold a date you wish to attend in your calendars for now. We will be sending out sign-ups to the briefings soon.
Contact email for further information: academicregulations@ucl.ac.uk