
Student and Registry Services


Accessing Exam Board tasks and reports

26 June 2020

Learn more about the Portico access levels associated with Exam Board activities

Information in this article has been updated since the original publication date

Board Administrators and Faculty colleagues should have access to the Board of Examiners Data Hub on Portico under the Awards, Assessments and Achievements tab:


If you do not have access to this container, please email itservices@ucl.ac.uk. 

Within the container, Board access should be granted via the Appoint administrator 1 or 2 to Board task. After granting access to the Board, Board Administrators or Examination Liaison Officers [ELOs] should then grant access to the Progression and Award container and the tasks contained therein:


This should be done via the Manage Delegated Access for Board Administrators task where you can add administrators or revoke access for colleagues who are no longer working on the board. Once you have updated the details, the Board Administrators should have access to the Progression and Award tasks.

The functionality in the Progression and Award Process container can be accessed by staff in the following role groups:

Role GroupProgression and Award functionality
Board Administrators or
staff with delegated Board Administrator access
  • Calculate Progression and Award
  • Confirm Progression and Award (Post-Board)
  • Manage Delegated Access for Board Administrators
Exam Board Chairs or
staff with delegated Exam Board Chair access
  • Approve Progression and Award (Chair)
Authorised Faculty staff
  • Manage Delegated Access for Board Chairs
Staff with Portico access level 1 or higher in one of the
following roles: Mark Entry, Progression and Award Process, or ELO
  • Progression & Award Progress Report
  • Progression Status Report
  • Progression and Award Training

Enhanced Exam Board reports are also available on the Awards, Assessments and Achievements page in Portico. Staff with Portico access levels greater than 1 in at least one of the following roles: Mark Entry, Examinations, or ELOs, will have access to the containers below:

Exam Reports

Data Quality

To check your Portico access level, go to: My Portico > Portico Access > View your Portico access level.

The diagram below will help you identify who to contact if you do not have access to the functionality you require:

Access to exam board tasks diagram

Contact details for further information: examboards@ucl.ac.uk