
Student and Registry Services


Draft Examination Timetable 2020

7 February 2020

The draft examination timetable will be published to departments on 10th February 2020. Draft Review Period Closes 5pm Friday 14 February

The publication of the draft examination timetable will be published to Examination Liaison Officers in departments on Monday 10 February 2020.

The deadline for consultation and feedback from departments is 5pm on Friday 14 February. Please note that this is a hard deadline to enable us to publish to students by 02 March. Once the timetable has been issued by email departments (via their ELO) will need review the timetable carefully checking ensuring that checks are made for the following:

  • Exams with common content have been timetabled at the same date and time 
  • Old modules codes are timetabled on the same date and time as the new version 
  • Dates that you have indicated were essential to be avoided have been adhered to 

Requests for timetable amendments on any other grounds, such as to aid the marking process or improve the spread of exams for students will not be considered.

Candidate Lists remain available to view on Portico via the Exam Timetable Task that you used to review your examination timetable data – these will not be circulated via email.

PLEASE DO NOT PUBLISH THIS DRAFT TIMETABLE TO YOUR STUDENTS. We are aware that this has occurred in the past and causes considerable confusion for students when the final is published. As some of the dates may need to change in the draft to incorporate any essential amendments. 

The Final examination timetable will be published to students via an email to all students with their personal timetables, this will also be available on Portico. 

Examination Papers 

Once the final examination timetable has been produced the examinations office will issue the exam paper cover sheets to enable you to then submit your examination papers.  The deadline for submission of exam papers is 10th March 2020.  

Contact email for further information: examinations@ucl.ac.uk