
Student and Registry Services


Update your website content for 2020/21

14 August 2020

Please take the time to go over the content of your pages on both the Students website and the SRS website.

The homepage of the Students website has been redeveloped to support the student readiness project, which aims to bring our new and returning students up-to-speed with the new ways we will be delivering their education and learning experience in 2020/21. The project will run for the next six weeks and provide useful information alongside a specific Moodle course designed to help students get the most out of our remote learning tools and the opportunities available to them.

To support this, it is vitally important that our day-to-day content is up to date and any changes related to COVID-19 have been embedded into the guidance. This means moving away from large box-outs and disclaimers on how services are affected and moving towards treating these changes as our normal modes of operation by including them in the standard content.

If and when we return to our normal way of delivering services, it's very easy to roll back these changes.

Please take some time now to look at your pages as communications have already gone out to our new students pushing them towards the site. Our traffic is only going to increase over the coming weeks and having the right information published now will help reduce student anxiety and minimise the number of avoidable enquiries we have to process at this particularly busy time.

The Students site is likely to become even more important over the coming months as work begins to rationalise the touchpoints we have we students. Initial discussions at senior level have positioned the site as the single central source of information for students which will link out to our other touchpoints (Moodle, Portico, askUCL, etc.). This work is likely to involve further reorganisation of the site and the more we can pre-empt this, the better position we will be in to rapidly develop the site.