Module Registration Timings and Enhancements
7 August 2020
Important information about changes for 2020/21
Improved Portico functionality is going live for both staff and students engaging with module registration alongside some changes specific to the 2020/21 session.
Module Registration will now begin in early September 2020 due to the changes to module offerings and programme diets. The extra time will enable Academic Departments and Student Records to make sure Portico data for the process is correct. Students will also have time to review the information in the Module Catalogue that will be republished in mid-August.
Key Dates
Date | Activity |
Early September 2020 | Module Selection Opens for All Students Department Approvals of Student Module Selections Begins |
16th October 2020 | Deadline for Student Module Selection |
End of October 2020 | Deadline for Department Approvals of Student Module Selections |
December 2020 | Deadline for changes to term 2/3 modules |
Enhancements to student-facing functionality
This year a number of enhancements have been made to student-facing functionality. Students will now be able to re-select modules online when a place is declined by the department and can request changes online which feed into the departmental approval process.
Further enhancements to staff-facing functionality
In addition to a number of usability enhancements following feedback from 2019/20, staff can now:
- approve student re-selections or change requests through the same approval workflow as initial module selections,
- close modules for registration once they are full,
- re-send confirmation emails to students after making amendments.
Existing module registration reports are also being expanded to include data on re-selections and change requests.
Next steps
A package of training materials will be made available to staff from the beginning of September 2020.
Contact details for further information: