8-19 July: Module Catalogue - final opportunity to update content for 2019/20
1 July 2019
Learn more about making changes to module descriptions prior to publication
From 8-19 July staff will have the opportunity to review their 2019/20 module descriptions and make any final changes to ensure the information provided via the Module Catalogue is accurate and provides students with the necessary information on which to base their module selections.
When the review window closes, no further amendments will be permitted to module data for 2019/20, this will be the source of truth for all modules.
During this two week window, staff will be given limited access to Module Maintenance on the Curricular Management tab in Portico to make amendments to the following details:
- Module:
- Contact email
- Keywords
- Module description
- Restricted module information
- Subjects
- Module groupings (“alternative credit options”) – on request via the Lifecycle team
- Delivery:
- "Includes" (placements, lab work, etc.)
- Tutor
Errors identified with any other module details should be reported to the Lifecycle Team.
Requests to amend module class size can only be made at this time where the adjustment can be accommodated within the room size allocated. Please contact the Timetabling Team about such requests.
To make sure module descriptions display correctly, please refer to the guidelines on updating description text in Module Maintenance.
Amendments made in Portico will not be included in the catalogue until the launch of the final version at the end of July.
Contact details for further information: lifecycle@ucl.ac.uk