
Student and Registry Services


Submission of Examination Papers

22 February 2019

Information on deadlines and submission of Examination Papers for the Main 2019 Examination Period

The deadline for the submission of Examination Papers by departments for the Main examination period is Friday 8 March 2019. Following the publication of the final timetable the Examinations Office will issue cover sheet templates, which will need to be submitted with your examination paper. Along with the cover sheets we will also issue instructions on how to submit your examination papers online. Once the examination papers have been returned from the printers we will advise departments (via the ELO) and invite you to view the printed copies.

Please note that any examination papers that are not received by 08 March will need to be printed within the department.

For further guidance on Submission of Examination papers please refer to our Examination Guide for Staff on our website https://www.ucl.ac.uk/srs/exams-and-records/exams-and-student-assessment 

Contact email for further information: examinations@ucl.ac.uk