
Student and Registry Services


New Mark Processing in Portico for 2018/2019

28 February 2019

Mark entry on Portico is now open for all 2018/2019 modules. Online training materials are available to help explain the changes being rolled out this year.

From Thursday 28 February 2019 you will be able to enter marks for all 2018/2019 modules.

We have taken the opportunity to embed into Portico regulatory changes from 2018/2019 and changes from prior to 2018/2019, which we had not been able to incorporate into Portico until now, which should make mark entry and processing in Portico easier for you.

A summary of the changes in Portico is below. 

  • Entering marks to 2 decimal places
  • How non-condonable and condonable modules with be handled
  • Automatic capping at the pass mark of resits
  • Highest failed component at resit
  • How deferrals and failures on the same module will be dealt with
  • New Portico grades/codes
  • Exclusion of component from module calculation
  • Exclusion of module from progression and award
  • Discontinuation of distinction at module level for postgraduate modules 

A suite of Mark Processing in Portico training videos and FAQs are available which provide an overview of new mark processing, mark processing for numeric, letter grade, pass/fail and Initial Teacher Training (ITE) mark schemes. These are intended for new and current staff.

We strongly advise you watch the training videos for the mark schemes you use which should take no longer than 30 minutes and read the FAQs.  

You are encouraged to enter marks as soon as they are available. Student Records will be running drop-in sessions to support you with this process. Further details about these sessions will be provided shortly. 

Contact email for further information: studentrecords@ucl.ac.uk