Spreadsheet Mapper 3
This tutorial shows you how to enter data in an online spreadsheet to generate a set of placemarks in Google Earth and Maps. Google’s web-based, collaborative editing allows you and your team members to simultaneously enter data and instantly publish updates. Using this tool you could: showcase your organisation’s projects, programme sites or partners; map your offices, volunteers or resources; or visualise your data on local, regional or global scales.
Some of the new and improved features in Spreadsheet Mapper version 3 include:
- Create 1000 placemarks – add more if needed.
- Six simplified balloon design templates – add more if needed
- Simplified publication process
- Additional customisation options
Spreadsheet Mapper 3 uses Google Apps Scripts to help generate the KML placemarks and to provide useful tools. If you want to use the older Spreadsheet Mapper 2, which only uses spreadsheet formulas, but limits the number of placemarks and balloon templates, you can still access it here: Spreadsheet Mapper 2.0 tutorial
Tutorial Contents:
- Before you begin
- Let’s get started
- Enter your own information
- Publish and view your changes
- Need more or less rows?
- Sharing your placemarks
- What’s Next?
- Discussion, Feedback & Questions
Before You Begin
Spreadsheet Mapper is a powerful tool for mapping point locations. It starts with enough spreadsheet rows for 1,000 placemark points and provides a tool for adding additional rows. Adding more than a few thousand rows/points will slow down the spreadsheet mapper and produce a very large KML file, in which case you may want to look at other tools such as Google Fusion Tables.