You might have come across the ‘made with Processing’ hyperlink on the internet or heard ofProcessing before. Over the past six years it has become a real phenomenon, allowing creative mindsto access the digital world. Based on a rather simple syntax and minimal interface, Processingsmoothly drives beginners into the scary world of programming.This article is not a tutorial, but rather an attempt to give you a global idea of what the programmingenvironment is, looks like and why it was created. Should you decide it is the tool you need, thisarticle will hopefully provide enough pointers to online and offline resources to get you started on theright track.
What and who was it designed for ?
As the Processing web site mentions: “Processing is an open source programming language andenvironment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions. It is used bystudents, artists, designers, researchers, and hobbyists for learning, prototyping, and production. It iscreated to teach fundamentals of computer programming within a visual context and to serve as asoftware sketchbook and professional production tool. Processing is developed by artists anddesigners as an alternative to proprietary software tools in the same domain.”