
Short courses - staff resources


Add your course to the UCL Short Courses catalogue

Help people find and book your course by adding it to the UCL Short Courses website.

The UCL Short Courses website provides information about short courses run by departments across UCL. It's been designed to help people easily find and book on to UCL's short courses. 

Courses included in the catalogue

The catalogue includes:

  • short courses, evening classes, workshops and study days
  • delivered face-to-face or online
  • run by UCL departments
  • for professionals and members of the public

It does not include:

  • courses aimed at solely UCL students and staff
  • courses for GCSE/A level students
  • one-off lectures, seminars or conferences

Benefits of having your course on the site

By having your course included in the catalogue you'll benefit from: 

  • professionally edited content that's written for the web
  • search-engine optimisation (SEO), helping your courses to get found directly from Google
  • cross-selling with other UCL courses

What to do to get your course listed

To get your course added to the catalogue you'll need to complete the website form (UCL login required; download a copy).

It can take two to three weeks to create the new course page. During this time we'll edit the information you provide to ensure it's written for the web. We may also get in touch if we need further details or clarification. You'll get a chance to review the course page before it goes live. 

Queries and updates

If you need to update an existing course page, or have any questions about adding a new course to the site, get in touch via MyServices. 

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