Detailed guidance on the UCL Excellence Fellowship application process.
What you will need
- A sponsor at UCL (see guidance for details)
- A covering letter explaining why you are applying for this fellowship and outlining career goals, plans for future funding applications and justification for applying to UCL (maximum one A4 side)
- A research proposal outlining the planned research, with emphasis on vision and ambition (maximum two A4 sides, no less than Arial pt 11 font, references can be on a separate page). Should it be relevant to your research programme, please include an additional brief section (150 word maximum) on any likely health, technology or other possible impacts from your research
- Your CV (maximum three A4 sides) plus full publication list (publications do not count towards the three-page limit).
- A letter of support from the UCL Sponsor(s) (maximum one A4 side). The letter must confirm and detail the space and resources that will be provided. If your contact at UCL is not a Head of Research Department or Division/Institute Director, their support letter must be co-signed by the relevant Division/Institute Director as proof that they all have reviewed and approved the provision of space and resources
- A completed application form (Word), downloaded from the job vacancy page
How to apply
- Read the guidance documentation and FAQs for applicants in full.
- Enter the UCL online recruitment system. Search for the vacancy (using "B07-00104" and click on the job title – Research Fellow (UCL Excellence Fellowship).
- From near the bottom of the job vacancy page, download the application form (Word) and job description.
- Complete the information required in the online application.
- Upload your CV in the "upload CV" section.
- Compile the following documents into a single pdf document and upload to the “other attachment” section:
- The completed application form (see point 3 above)
- Covering letter
- Research proposal
- Letter of support from the UCL Sponsor(s)
- Upload these documents into "other attachment"
8. Check your application and submit.
The deadline for applications is: 11th October 2023.
Review process
Applications will be reviewed and shortlisted for interview based on the criteria in the job description and person specification. Outcomes of shortlisting will be made available in late November. Please note that due to the large volume of applications, we are unable to provide detailed feedback to applicants.
For invited candidates, interviews will be held on the 7th of December 2023. We are unable to reschedule interviews; therefore, please do keep this date clear.