
UCL School of Life and Medical Sciences


Programme Themes

The programme is divided into four themes, each with a theme lead. The themes span the broad area of biomedical sciences represented by the large and diverse population of PIs at UCL and Birkbeck College. The four themes are:

Strategic Theme 1: Fundamental mechanisms of disease

Understanding the fundamental mechanisms of disease can have a huge translational impact and we are internationally recognised in this area. This theme spans a broad range of research areas, including; molecular biology, developmental biology, stem cells and regenerative medicine, immunology, genetics, pharmacology, structural biology and biophysics. 

For more information and a list of eligible supervisors - please contact:

Paola Pedarzani or John Christodoulou

Strategic Theme 2: Experimental and personalised medicine

Experimental and personalised medicine drives the translation of discoveries from basic science and clinical medicine into benefits for human health, using an individual's genetic profile to guide decisions made in regard to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of a disease. Research in this theme encompass research into the understanding the mechanisms of pathophysiology or cause of disease, identification of new drug targets, development of new models of disease, and developing new biomarkers of disease progression and treatment.

For more information and a list of eligible supervisors - please contact:

Pier Lambiase

Strategic Theme 3: Neuroscience and mental health

UCL is one of the world-leading institutions for neuroscience research, and together with Birkbeck this theme provides research training in a range of neurosciences areas, inducing; developmental, molecular, cellular & systems neuroscience, sensory systems, neurodegeneration, mental health, and neuroimaging.

For more information and a list of eligible supervisors - please contact:

Samuel Solomon or Josef Kittler

Strategic Theme 4: Populations, people and data across the life course

Research in this theme spans a broad range of topics, including: understanding the factors that determine health and disease in populations; measure the burden of disease in populations; developing testing and measuring the impact of interventions and service improvement; and approaches to reduce inequalities in health status.

For more information and a list of eligible supervisors - please contact:    

Anne McMunn